The Water Bottle Guy

Okay, what you need to understand is that it is more than just a water bottle, it is a new season of life! This is the day in which I move from being perpetually dehydrated to a trend setting, economically sound, eco-friendly, hydrated athlete. I got my new Miir Water Bottle for free during a promo they were offering on Facebook. Yes, my long quest to be a “Water-Bottle Guy” has come to a victorious end!

Well, at least that’s what I thought when my water bottle arrived in the mail a month ago which was roughly 3 days before it spent the next 27 days rolling around the floor of my car underneath the passenger seat. I’ve always wanted to be a “water-bottle” guy because they seem like trend setters with their non-chalaunt sipping from their high tech bottles. They look so thrifty and eco-friendly because it’s always the same water bottle! Of course becoming a Water Bottle Guy guarantees I’ll be an athlete because I see all the Water Bottle Guys at the gym!

For the longest time I thought my biggest problem with never becoming a Water Bottle Guy was simply a container issue. I just didn’t have a water bottle that was conducive to my personality, needs, or the image I wanted to project to people. Costco water bottles, nalgene bottles, Starbucks venti ice waters, or even Camelbaks never seemed to fit the bill. I just couldn’t get comfortable using any of these bottles.

One hot afternoon I started to think, “If I could just find a perfect water bottle I finally be a Water Bottle Guy!” Which then led me to wonder if my problem was less about the water bottles and more about me continually finding excuses to keep my water bottles empty. I had become so hung up on be the Water Bottle Guy that I was missing the point of being a Hydrated Healthy Person. If I just stuck to filling up my water bottles then any of the dozen bottles I have would be the perfect one. Because in the end, it’s not the water bottle that hydrates me it is the water in the bottle that satisfies me. I didn’t have a water bottle problem, my problem was in misunderstanding the purpose of the water IN the water bottle.

Often times we treat ourselves like these water bottles. We don’t feel like we can have the life and satisfaction Christ offers us until we become the perfect container for that life. We recognizing that our desire is to live as the chosen of Christ. Yet we quickly become distracted on becoming all these different versions of ourselves because somewhere we learned that Christ won’t fill us up unless we are a worthy “water bottle” for him to pour his water in. This is not true.

Be you. Don’t be the “Water Bottle Guy”. The Water Bottle Guy is more worried that which is holding his water rather than the water that is giving him life. God created you just as he wanted to so that Christ could fill you with His satisfying life. Bring your cup to Christ’s well, be filled and be a Hydrated Whole Person filled with Christ’s life.